Three Tips For Your First Online Course

Taking online classes can be a convenient way of pursuing your degree while also balancing the demands of life. However, online courses can be drastically different than traditional ones, and as such, there are some students that may struggle to adapt to the differing demands. If you are about to enroll in your first online course, you may benefit from using the following three tips. Set A Scheduled Time For Your Class Read More 

3 Reasons To Consider Training As A Medical Assistant

When you are considering your post-graduation plans or want to change jobs, becoming a medical assistant should be on your list. There are many advantages to being a medical assistant, whether it becomes your lifelong career or the starting point on a different career path in medicine. Preparation For Other Medical Fields Becoming a medical assistant is a good way to help you determine if the medical field is the right fit for you. Read More 

Efficiency Mailing Tips For Colleges

When a student checks a box on one of the college-readiness standardized tests that says that they would like to receive mail from colleges, colleges that have requested information on students whose demographics match target will receive his or her mailing information and start to send him or her mail. If you work in a college admissions office, you know how much mail your university sends out each day and how it can hamper your overall efficiency. Read More 

Finding Adult Education Courses That Work

Taking adult education courses at a college or university is different than registering as an undergrad right out of high school. So what do these types of students need from adult education courses? Take a look and think about these important concessions that schools make for when career changes or other situations have adult learners whistling "see you in September." A Clear Career Path In undergraduate situation, many young people are just casting around, trying different things and figuring out what they want to be in life. Read More